Friday, August 22, 2014

Feature and Follow Friday (2)

Hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee
Happy Feature and Follow Friday everyone!

Question of the Week: What book/series do you think would make a better TV show than a movie?

For some reason, Legend strikes me as a series that would work well as a television show. So much happens in the books and I feel like it would be rushed in a movie. I think the POV change would translate better in a TV show than a movie as well. (Side note: it was actually supposed to be a movie at one point, but I haven't heard much about it in a few years.)


  1. I haven't read this series, but I do want to get my hands on it at some point. New follower on Twitter & bloglovin :)

    Here's my F&F!

  2. Legend would be an amazing tv series! Great pick!
    New follower :)
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  3. That would be great for TV. Such a unique trilogy. New GFC follower.

    Brittney @ Reviews From A Dreamer

  4. That is such a good idea! I did not even think of this book. Thanks for stopping by, New bloglovin follower.
    Blue Books and Butterflies

  5. I want to read this series but every time I step into Barnes and Noble I always second guess myself. Hi!! I am a new GFC follower.
    My FF
    Kat@The Realm of Books

  6. I've been wanting to read that series - it looks good. I'm a new follower.
    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog

  7. I haven't read this series, but I REALLY want to. It's high on my TBR list. :D Following you via Bloglovin'. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great weekend! :D

  8. *smh* I sadly haven't read this series yet either but happy FF!
    followed via bloglovin
    ❤ Brittany @
    Follow me HERE @ Please Feed the Bookworm

  9. I've seen this series everywhere but I have yet to pick it up! I've heard so much praise for it - I really need to find the time to read it ASAP! Nice choice!

    New follower via GFC!

    Here’s my FF!

  10. Hello! I'm a new GFC and Twitter follower. Great pick! Here is my FF.

  11. Hi, I'm a new Bloglovin' follower and it's my first time participating in FF. I think Legend would work really well as a TV series too.

    My FF
