General Information
I am currently accepting young adult and new adult books for review. You can contact me at seaofreading@gmail
I accept ARCs, finished copies, and ebooks. If the book is part of a series, I may need the previous books.
I do NOT accept audiobooks, middle grade, or adult books. The exceptions are middle grade and adult authors who I have previously read and given three stars or above, or on any of my shelves. (Links go to Goodreads shelves)
If your book is on my shelves on Goodreads, I definitely want to read it! You can also browse my read shelf or past reviews to get a feel for what genres I like.
My favorite genres are contemporary and historical fantasy (ie Throne of Glass) and most of these
I enjoy YA and NA books in the following genres:
- Contemporary
- Chicklit
- Fairy Tale Retellings
- Historical Fiction (especially Tudor England)
- Fantasy
- Mystery/Horror
- Dystopia
- Science-Fiction
I do NOT accept books in the following genres:
- Non-fiction
- Memoirs
- Novels in verse
- Poetry
- Christian Fiction
Accepting Books
If I accept a book, it does not guarantee a review, but it will be promoted on a "Stacking the Shelves" post.
I will make every effort to read and review books in a timely manner. If you would like the review posted by a certain date, please try and request a review at least a month prior.
I will review almost every book I finish. My reviews will also be posted on Goodreads and Amazon. I write fair and honest reviews, but not always positive reviews. However, I will explain why the book did not work for me and never bash the book.
Reviews will contain the following:
- Cover
- Book Information (title, author, publisher, pages, release date, etc)
- A Summary (from Goodreads)
- Where I received the book
- My review
- A Star Rating (1-5)
- Links to other books by the author
Giveaways, Guest Posts, and Interviews
I am happy to host giveaways, guest posts and interviews! My criteria for any of them are the same as that for review books.
Giveaways will be done via Rafflcopter, unless you request it to be done through Twitter or Google Docs.
If you would like me to host any of the above, please email be with the following information:
- Title/Author
- Format of Book for Giveaway (ARC, ebook, hardcover, etc)
- Shipping (US, US/CA, Int)
- Run time of Giveaway
Guest Posts/Interviews:
- Your name and Book Title
- Description of book
- Guest Post or Interview?*
- Do you have a topic/questions or would you like me to provide them?**
- Date you would like to be featured
- If you would like to include a giveaway
*I do NOT accept stock posts where the content has been posted on other blogs
**If you are creating the topic/questions, I prefer, but do not require to have a copy of your book.
If I am creating the topic/questions, then I require a copy of your book at least one month in advance to when you would like to be featured.
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