Friday, September 5, 2014

Feature and Follow Friday (4)

Hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee

Happy Feature and Follow Friday everyone!

Are you also a writer and what genre or did you ever consider writing?

I do write! Mostly scifi stories that I never actually finish. The Fate of Memories is about a boy who destroys memories, but has none of his own and The Promise of Stars is about a race of sub-humans created for genetic testing.

Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to leave a link below!


  1. Awesome, you're on wattpad! Cant wait to take a look! What inspired these stories? I only recently started using wattpad, so it's cool I have a newbie to follow!

    New follower via GFC and Bloglovin!

    Guinevere & Libertad @ Twinja Book Review's #FF

  2. Your stories sound interesting you should finish them. :) New follower via bloglovin.

